
Energy Communities – Theory and Practice of Solar Power Plants

As part of the joint activities to establish the energy communities of Drenova and Veprinac, we organized lectures entitled Energy Communities – Theory and Practice of Solar Power Plants, which explain a little deeper the technology of photovoltaic systems, the benefits of introducing sensors in our houses, how to finance the energy community and the currently open tenders for co-financing.

Theory and practice of solar power plants - lecture by Josip Zdenković, Schrack Technik

Schack Technik is one of the most renowned companies in the field of technical solutions in energy and telecommunications, and Josip Zdenković has been in the company Schrack Technik in Zagreb since 2008, where he is still the director. His main area of expertise is electric motor drives and renewable electricity sources – especially batteries (Be sure to check out his lecture on battery dimensioning).

Lecture by Josip Zdenković

It was really great to listen to the lecture of the doyens of renewable energy sources Josip Zdenković, and especially to flip through his book Photovoltaic island systems which we can freely call the Bible of solar technologies. We can certainly recommend that you get your free copy if you are interested in examples of good practice and a handful of technical information.

Processes, Sensors and Finance

  1. 10 STEP from design to grid connection of own small PV plant – Saša Ukić, 3t.Cable
  2. Smart Home Solutions (Efficient Energy Management) - Damir Medved, EZ Drenova, Association Without Borders
  3. Opportunities for alternative sources of financing: Damir Juričić, Center for Support to Smart and Sustainable Cities of the University of Rijeka,
  4. Available sources of financing photovoltaic plants from HR and EU projects, Tina Ragužin, 3t.Cable
Lecture Ukić, Medved, Juričić, Ragužin

This is only the first in a series of joint lectures that we will organize at Drenova and Veprinac in order to promote the concepts of civic energy, which should result in the formation of the Drenova Energy Cooperative and the Veprinac Energy Community – these two peripheral settlements of larger cities really share a lot of common interests. Only together we can make some progress – we look forward to working together!

Lenta DCD Partners

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