Expert texts

Energy communities – economy and cost-effectiveness

In mid-October this year it was published. Electricity Market Act (ZTEE) which introduces numerous newspapers of which, for the purposes of this text, we find an interesting part related to energy communities. It is about the possibility of associating citizens into formations that would enable them to jointly produce electricity (here we assume the energy produced by photovoltaic power plant technology) and to share the produced energy in the scope of the same substation. The law provokes divergent views regarding its potential to accelerate individual micro-generation of electricity and the mutual sharing (trading) of generated energy surpluses among members of the energy community. 


In recent years, since the prices of solar panels have decreased significantly, photovoltaic power plants have become financially self-sustaining projects. The possibility of achieving profitability by investing in photovoltaic power plants justifiably directs the attention of citizens to investment. Also, lately, the term “” has often been encountered.prosumer’, a word composed of ’producer" and "consumer’ and denotes the entity that consumes (consumer) electricity, but it also generates (producer). The role of the entity in the consumption of electricity is known, but questions, especially practical ones, of implementation, arise precisely in relation to the process of electricity production.

Energy communities whose purpose is the production and sharing of produced electricity can be joined by citizens among themselves, but with them or independently and other entities such as local, regional self-government units, institutions, utility companies and other entities gathered around a substation. Here, the most intriguing is that limited possibility of pooling at a location covered by a substation, which significantly limits the meaning of sharing the electricity produced. It is emphasized that members of the energy community produced energy You can share, but not sell..     

Bringing citizens together to share energy

Article 26. ZTEE stipulates that citizens can come together to jointly produce and share the energy produced for their own consumption. This will be done through so-called energy communities. Citizen Energy Community is a legal person established in the territory of the Republic of Croatia, whose shareholders or members voluntarily come together to benefit from the exchange of energy produced and consumed in a specific spatial area of a local community. It is particularly important to point out that a shareholder or member of a citizen energy community may be a natural or legal person, including local self-government units, a micro-enterprise or a small enterprise whose place of residence, establishment or business premises are in the territory of the local self-government unit where the citizen energy community is based. Thus, the regulation allows citizens to join forces with persons governed by public law such as cities, municipalities, institutions or utility companies in order to better exploit the potential of producing and (in-house) consuming (in-kind, sharing) the electricity produced.

Energy community activities

The citizen energy community may participate in the production of electricity for the needs of shareholders or members of the citizen energy community, as follows:

  • From renewable energy sources;
    • Electricity supply to shareholders or members of the citizen energy community;
    • Managing the consumption of electricity by shareholders or members of the citizen energy community;
    • Aggregation of shareholders or members of the citizen energy community;
    • Energy storage for shareholders or members of the citizen energy community;
    • Energy efficiency services for shareholders or members of the citizen energy community;
    • Charging services for electric vehicles of shareholders or members of the citizen energy community;
    • It may provide other energy services to shareholders or members of the citizen energy community in accordance with the rules governing individual electricity markets.

However, the provision of Article 3 of the Article 21 of the ZTEE defines the meaning of the Energy Community as a ‘legal person based on voluntary and open participation and effectively controlled by members or shareholders who are natural persons, local self-government units or small enterprises, whose primary purpose is to provide environmental protection. economic or social benefits to its members or shareholders or to the local areas in which it operates, and No financial gain and may participate in generation, including from renewable sources, supply, consumption, aggregation, energy storage, energy efficiency services or recharging services for electric vehicles, or provide other energy services to its members or shareholders.

The problem of non-profit

Also, the provision of Article 26 stipulates that the Energy Community shall act on the basis of the law governing Financial operations and accounting of non-profit organisations. It should also be added here that neither the Directive nor the ZTEE clearly define the concept of ‘sharing’ energy within a community. Energy sharing can be with or without compensation. Reimbursement can be financially or naturally nominated. In this respect, it is not clear whether any contribution to shared energy is allowed or prohibited. Of course, the ban on compensating those who share their excess energy should be inadmissible because, so to speak, it discriminates against the right of a member of the community to make a profit if all members of the community agree on the price of shared excess energy.

Finally, a member of the community in need of energy can take it from the grid and will pay a fee for the energy taken (energy price – HRK/kWh). He considers that price to be economically justified. The question is why he could not buy energy from his community member who at that moment has excess energy at a lower price than that of the grid (if such circumstances arise). Why should members of the community (those who surrender their excess energy to those who are currently claiming energy) not be provided with economic and financial benefits – one additional income and the other with savings? All the more so since these revenues and expenditures for purchased (shared) energy are not recorded in the account of the legal entity of the energy community, but in the private accounts of the members of the community. These are certainly questions that should be clearly answered before the implementation of the set goals of the energy transition and the operational association of citizens in energy communities begins.

EU regulation

These provisions could, through their vague wording, make it more difficult for the immediate organisation, organisation and final implementation of the intended purpose and objectives. It would be inferred from those provisions that an economic advantage does not involve the making of a financial profit. Also, there is a limitation or assurance of the legislator that energy communities must not be legally organized in any other way than in a way that implies recording business changes in accordance with the rules of non-profit organizations, that is, associations or cooperatives. This could be controversial because Directive of the European Union in paragraph 44 of the preamble stresses that “Member States should be able to ensure that citizen energy communities are subject to any form, for example an association, a cooperative, a partnership, a non-profit organisation or a small or medium-sized enterprise;, “as long as such an entity may, acting in its own name, exercise rights and be subject to obligations”.

Therefore, the question remains as to why the legislator limited Croatian citizens exclusively to non-profit organisations of all the above mentioned possibilities of founding forms. Such formulations of the ZTEE could, in immediate practice, give rise to a number of contentious situations.

Purchase and exploitation of photovoltaic plants

In order to achieve the purpose of its establishment, the Energy Community will focus its attention on two groups of processes. The first refers to the preparation, procurement, design, installation, financing and maintenance of the photovoltaic plant, while the second group of processes refers to the sharing of the generated energy among the members of the community. However, before the practical implementation of the project, several questions need to be answered.

  1. Will the legal owner of the photovoltaic power plant be the energy community as a legal person or will the legal owners be the members of the community installing the power plants on their roofs?
  2. Who will be the economic owner in these cases?
  3. Will the surpluses of energy produced be shared between the members of the community who are its co-owners, or will the co-owners of the community be able to share their surpluses with other neighbours within one substation who are not formal owners of the legal entity of the energy community?
  4. Will the sharing be operationally carried out with financial compensation (will it be possible to trade with each other the surpluses produced) or will the surpluses produced be given to community members? Or, on the other hand, will some calculation price of the surpluses produced be formed in advance, which will be divided among the members according to certain keys?
  5. Finally, how will energy surpluses be shared among its members in cases where the supply of surpluses is lower than the energy demand among members?
  6. In this case, who will have priority in taking over the energy surplus – proportional split or split according to the criterion of the maximum price offered?

The general organisation of the relationships between entities within and outside the energy community within a substation can be illustrated by schema 1:

Scheme 1: General organisational chart of relations within the energy community (Source: Authors)

Legend: G – a citizen who is a member of an energy community or a citizen who is not a member of an energy community but who falls within the territory of the same substation.

Purchase of photovoltaic installations

Rational members of the energy community in the preparation phase, and upon the formal establishment of the energy community, which could be either an association or a cooperative within the ZTEE, will ask the question of how to procure the plant. Whether the power plant will be purchased as works, as a service of availability, or whether it will give the surfaces in its legal ownership to a third party and conclude an energy purchase contract with it (so-called energy purchase contract). the PPA Agreement). The procurement of works is preceded by the procurement of design and financing. The following is the procurement of contractors (installation of a photovoltaic power plant) and maintenance of the power plant in its lifetime. It should be noted here that the risks of design and maintenance, and partly assembly, are taken over by the energy community. Members of the community will, in this regard, assess their knowledge and skills in the implementation of these processes, i.e. their capacity to take on the aforementioned risk groups. In this case, the energy community will be the permanent legal and economic owner of the plant. All energy produced belongs to the energy community.

Under the second option, the procurement of the availability of a photovoltaic power plant, the energy community will prepare a preliminary design with precisely defined output characteristics of the plant and procure a project executor who, based on the preliminary design and defined standards, will design, finance, install and maintain the plant in its lifetime. During the period of the contract for the procurement of the power plant, the community will pay a fee for the availability to the contractor as long as the power plant is operational in accordance with the defined standards and output characteristics of the project. In this case, the energy community will be the permanent legal owner of the facility, but the economic owner will be the contractor. Upon termination of the contract, the energy community will also become the economic owner. All energy produced belongs to the energy community.

In the third case, the members of the community will acquire a contractor who will design, install, finance and maintain the plant and conclude a contract with the energy community, or its members, on the purchase of electricity based, if available, on a predetermined quantity and price. Here, all energy produced may belong to the Energy Community or its members, depending on the content of the contract.

In these processes related to the procurement of a photovoltaic plant, the citizen is recognized as a co-owner of the energy community, who with his financial contribution participates in the full or partial financing of the procurement of the power plant. The question here is who will be the legal owner of the power plant – the energy community or a citizen member of the community? Both options are possible.

Exploitation of photovoltaic power plant

Once the PV plant is installed and put into service, community members are expected to use the energy produced. Energy will most likely be used in the following ways:

  • For self-consumption (each member of the community will first use the energy produced on, for example, the roof of their building for their own energy needs in order to replace more expensive energy from the grid with cheaper energy from their own plant and thus achieve savings);
  • They will share the excess energy produced with members of the community;
  • To compensate for the energy shortage by taking over the surpluses generated by the photovoltaic power plants of other members of the community who currently have surpluses at their disposal;
  • Compensate the energy shortage with energy from the grid;
  • Excess power handed over to the grid.

In order for energy to be shared and distributed transparently and securely billed and recorded, an intelligent system will be needed to enable automatic monitoring and recording of energy surpluses and deficits produced and shared among members of the community, automatic comparison of prices produced by members' individual PV systems with the price of energy procured from the grid, and in particular recording and accounting of shared internally traded surpluses. In relation to the above, since the Directive and the ZTEE are not clearly defined, it will be of particular importance for the more efficient implementation of energy communities to clearly define what energy sharing means – whether this redistribution at a predetermined fixed fixed price or sharing also implies trading internal prices between members of the community (possibly citizens who are not members of the community because they are not able to participate materially and financially in the procurement of a photovoltaic power plant, but they contribute to the achievement of common interests with formal members of the community).

Managing the part related to the exploitation of a photovoltaic power plant within the energy community is also a good idea to consider the possibility of bringing together different members whose rhythm of production and consumption of the energy produced is in a kind of discrepancy – when one member produces energy and does not consume it, the other member consumes energy, and the opposite. For example, it is efficient to associate citizens and schools because the school in the morning hours of the day consumes the energy that citizens produce, but do not consume because, most often, they are in workplaces dislocated from their place of residence (energy production). On the other hand, the school in the afternoon does not consume energy while the citizens spend it. Also, school in the summer months is the predominant energy producer, and citizens are the predominant consumer. Such ‘symbiosis’ can make a significant contribution to better achieving the transition targets.

Financing the procurement of energy communities

A particularly important issue, arising from the questions raised above, relates to the financing of the procurement of photovoltaic power plants within the energy community. For the implementation of the processes related to financing, it is important to answer the question of who is the legal and economic owner of photovoltaic power plants, especially if the members of the energy community are local and regional self-government units and institutions or companies in their ownership. If the energy community will be an investor in photovoltaic power plants, then it will obtain sources of financing and refund them from the availability fee or the price of energy sold to other members of the community. It is clear here how important it is to define precisely the dual role of a member of the community – as a co-owner of the community (procurement processes of a photovoltaic power plant) and as an energy consumer (processes of exploitation of a photovoltaic power plant).

Power Plant Procurement Variants

The purchase of the power plant will most likely be financed from its own sources (contribution of community members, the so-called equity, a founding bet) and from debt obtained from, most often, commercial banks. Of course, the relationship between one's own and another's debt sources will depend on the overall risks of the project. Scheme 2 presents two possibilities of community financing:

Scheme 2: Financing options for the Energy Community (Source: Authors)

As far as possible a) on scheme 6, the energy community, as a legal entity established by the role of its members, invests in photovoltaic power plants on the property of its members. The legal entity of the energy community, in addition to the founding roles of its members, also obtains debt sources of financing in order to settle the capital value of the investment. The legal basis for an investment may be, for example, a lease agreement for members' assets.

The legal person of the energy community will compensate the acquired right to invest on other people's property by means of a fee (rent) to the owners of the property (members - but this immediately raises the question whether the legal person of the energy community could conclude contracts on the lease of property and other citizens who are not members of the energy community). From the price of energy sold to its members, the legal entity of the energy community will settle debt sources of financing and reduce its income and expenditure account to zero (0) since it keeps business books according to the rules for non-profit organizations. As far as possible b) members of the energy community obtain financing sources themselves (own and others – debt) in order to invest in a photovoltaic power plant on their assets. Also, for the purpose of sharing energy surpluses, it will conclude an agreement with the legal entity of the energy community in which it will precisely define the rules of energy sharing.

In order to encourage citizens to invest in photovoltaic power plants within energy communities, it is also worth raising the issue of easier use of financial instruments in order to make commercial sources more accessible and minimize their own sources. The financial instruments of the Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027 could be used significantly here. Namely, Regulation (EU) 2021/1060 programming, design and implementation of financial instruments has been significantly facilitated. A wide range of possible financial instruments suggests that, precisely for the purpose of financing energy communities, instruments could be created that would contribute to accelerating the implementation of such projects. According to the authors, this could be a non-repayable aid instrument (to cover part of the costs of project preparation) combined with a subordinated loan. Such an instrument could facilitate and speed up the preparation of a project for citizens and enable the reduction of own funding sources with a higher probability of obtaining commercial debt financing sources.


The entry into force of the ZTEE is a major step forward in the implementation of the goals of the energy transition, especially in the part related to the goal of energy production at the place of consumption, while the choice of energy production technology will meet the goal related to decarbonisation. However, the current articulation of regulations is insufficiently clear for the immediate implementation of the set goals and poses significant risks in terms of achieving the set goals. In this regard, it is of particular importance to stimulate and conduct expert discussions in the shortest period of time in order to clearly define all the processes necessary for the low-risk implementation of projects. A specially programmed EU combined financial instrument structured with capital assistance to cover part of the costs of project preparation and a subordinated loan with a reduced interest rate and an extended repayment period in relation to the current market conditions could also contribute to accelerating the implementation of projects of this type.

This is the second part of the extended version of the text originally published in the Journal the Center for Public and Non-Profit Sector Development, Tim4Pin No.1 2022

The first part is available at:

Damir Juričić – writes about economics and finance
Damir Medved – writes about technology and communities

Views: 94

Expert texts

Energy Communities – technical background

In mid-October this year it was published. Electricity Market Act (ZTEE) which introduces a number of novelties of which, for the purposes of this text, we find an interesting part related to the Energy Communities. It is about the possibility of associating citizens into formations that would enable them to jointly produce electricity (here we assume the energy produced by photovoltaic power plant technology) and to share the produced energy in the scope of the same substation. The law provokes divergent views regarding its potential to accelerate individual micro-generation of electricity and the mutual sharing (trading) of generated energy surpluses among members of the energy community. In this first part we present the technical background of financing photovoltaic plants.


In recent years, since the prices of solar panels have decreased significantly, photovoltaic power plants have become financially self-sustaining projects. The possibility of achieving profitability by investing in photovoltaic power plants justifiably directs the attention of citizens to investment. Also, lately, the term ‘prosumer’, a word composed of the words ‘producer’ and ‘consumer’, has been frequently encountered to denote the entity that consumes (consumer) electricity, but it also generates (producer).

The role of the entity in the consumption of electricity is known, but questions, especially practical ones, of implementation, arise precisely in relation to the process of production and sharing of electricity. Energy communities, the purpose of which is the production and sharing of electricity produced, can be joined by citizens among themselves, but also, with them or independently, other entities such as local, regional self-government units, institutions, utility companies and other entities gathered around a transformer station. Here, the most intriguing is this limited ability to team up on site included in one substation This significantly limits the sense of sharing the electricity produced, especially in the Croatian context of low population density, which causes a relatively large number of substations with a small number of connections. It is stressed that members of the energy community can share the energy produced; but not to sell. Thus, at least, it can be deduced from insufficiently clear formulations from the regulations.

In most EU countries, it is a practice not to look at the transformer station but at the physical distance (1 km, etc.)


Energy production from photovoltaic systems

The technological revolution over the past hundred years has brought democratization and proliferation of numerous products or services that until then were available to a very narrow circle of privileged. It is enough just to recall the expansion of the use of personal vehicles, air travel or the availability of computers and mobile devices. There are hundreds more, but now another highly centralised branch of the economy is on the path of mass decentralisation – electricity generation and distribution.

Photovoltaic power plants are not a new technology, but significant changes have occurred in the past ten years with a dramatic fall in the prices of solar panels and control equipment, so that a typical photovoltaic plant for home installations of 10 kW ten years ago was worth over half a million kuna, while today the price of the plant with installation is about seventy thousand kuna, which, making it available to the average household, i.e. the price is comparable, for example, to the installation of central heating or heat pumps.

In addition to PV, major developments are also taking place in the context of energy storage – batteries, where battery installations are no longer large in size and do not require special maintenance. The growing number of electric passenger cars should not be overlooked, which will also have a major impact on the consumption and storage of electricity in their own batteries, which are often very high capacity. In addition to these technical innovations, innovative exploitation models have emerged that seek to look at the life-long cost of the plant, and then open up some other opportunities in the context of ownership and control of the plant itself, i.e. new long-term more sustainable financial models.

Finally, in an increasingly volatile world, it will be particularly important to secure stable and secure energy sources, thus reducing the dependency and impact of externalities, while it is critical that these energy sources are also environmentally friendly, do not increase their carbon footprint and are economically viable in the long term.

However, each new technology brings some kind of risks (technical and financial), and in order to understand the risks it is important to understand its functioning, so for a start let's look at which are the basic components of the photovoltaic plant.

Types of photovoltaic systems

The key task of the PV system is the direct conversion of solar energy into electricity, which enables the operation of a certain number of AC (AC) or DC (DC) loads. The FN system can also have an additional backup system, typically a battery or generator, which allows isolated operation. Photovoltaic systems consist of PV modules, energy converters and control electronics. Simpler systems (for cottages, etc.) power only DC consumers (smaller lamps, radios, etc.), but with the addition of a DC/AC converter, such a system can then produce electricity for all common AC consumers.

Generally, the PV system can be divided into the following groups:

1. Independent (autonomous) – completely independent from the network

2. Grid, connected to the mains:

  • Active (interactive) - bi-directional, can take energy from the grid but also send surpluses from FN
  • passive – unidirectional, the network serves (only) as a backup source when there is no production in FN

3. Hybrid, essentially self-contained with the addition of renewable energy sources (most often wind farms).

Autonomous systems are by capital value the most significant of photovoltaic systems connected to the distribution network. The difference in capital value arises due to the existence of a battery system, additional control equipment and regulators. In addition, the network converter for grid-connected photovoltaic systems is simpler by function and typically has less power than autonomous ones.

Of course, higher capital values of such projects will also cause higher operating costs in the lifetime of the photovoltaic power plant.

Independent (autonomous) PV system

Self-contained systems produce all the energy needed by consumers on their own and this creates significant challenges. For example, when electricity is to be supplied at night or in periods with low solar radiation intensity, a battery of appropriate capacity is certainly needed to serve as an electricity reservoir.

A key component of the system is the controller for controlled charging and discharging the battery, and by adding an inverter (=12 V to ~230 V), the system is also capable of powering regular consumers such as washing machines, televisions, refrigerators, computers and smaller household appliances – naturally according to the installed capacity of the PV system and batteries. Typically used in isolated areas, islands or remote mountain settlements, both for private and business applications (e.g. telecommunication base stations, lighthouses, road monitoring systems, etc.). An example of this system is shown in Figure 1. Due to lower losses, it is desirable to have as many DC loads as possible.

Autonomous system
Figure 1 Autonomous system

Hybrid PV systems

The basic idea of the Hybrid PV system is to increase the availability and reliability of the system by connecting standalone PV plants with other backup sources of electricity, such as wind turbines, small hydropower plants, auxiliary gasoline or diesel power units.

Modern inverters enable the connection of wind turbines and photovoltaic systems without major problems, giving greater safety and availability of electricity supply and enabling smaller battery capacity as an electricity reservoir. For solutions that use gasoline and diesel aggregates, the systems are dimensioned in such a way that the aggregates are used minimally, which saves fuel, reduces the maintenance costs of the aggregates and extends their service life. An example of a hybrid photovoltaic system is shown in Figure 2.

Hybrid PV System
Figure 2 Hybrid PV System

Passive and active network PV system

The complexity of the PV system is determined by the level of automation. In general, we distinguish passive network PV systems that use the power grid only conditionally, in periods when PV modules cannot produce sufficient amounts of electricity, for example at night when the batteries are empty at the same time (Figure 3). Usually all regulation is manual.

Passive network PV system
Figure 3 Passive network PV system

Active, interactive network PV systems use the network dynamically, taking energy from the public network in case of greater needs or when energy is cheap, or returning it to the public network in case of surplus electricity produced in PV modules or when it is profitable to sell energy (Figure 4). Typically, such systems are automated and autonomous, and if they are connected to some AI/ML logic, they can run more complex algorithms for electricity trading.

Active network PV system
Figure 4 Active network PV system

Connection of the system to the network

Photovoltaic systems are connected via the inverter to the distribution network, where they themselves produce direct current in FN panels, which needs to be subsequently converted into an alternating voltage of the network frequency in order to power consumers or work in parallel with the power grid. Public electric power supply is responsible for maintaining the quality of frequency and voltage, whereby in the event of a deviation, the operation of the inverter is automatically switched off or interrupted.

The problem of grid stability is very complex and goes beyond the scope of this article, but it should be noted that there may be bad effects of PV systems connected to the distribution network (if not implemented by standards), such as increasing short-circuit current, undermining the sensitivity of protection in the electricity network, impact on the quality of electricity, availability of the distribution network, and increasing network losses. Impacts depend on the power of the source (FN system), its consumption at the connection point and the characteristics of the plant, and the characteristics of the distribution network to which it is connected. Connecting the PV system to the network also presents new challenges for network operators who now have power flows in two directions, and not only towards the consumer, therefore necessarily meeting all the positive legal standards.

In addition to the issue of physical electricity production, it is also important to properly measure, record surpluses or deficits, and the entire context of energy trading. In the usual way of connecting the PV system to the network, the output current from the PV system is used to supply primarily consumers in the household, and the produced surplus is fed into the network (Figure 5).

Normal connection of the PV system to the network
Figure 5 Normal connection of the PV system to the network

Intelligent system management (electricity generation, consumption and trade)

An important element of the establishment of a sustainable PV plant is the management (if possible automated) of the processes of production, consumption and sale of electricity.

The core of the system is a smart electric meter (Prosumer meter) that allows the control of energy flows in a PV plant. Prosumer can be relatively simple with logic based on smaller rules (time switch or some simple rules such as making decisions based on the state of charge of the battery) or aided by a more complex external system (usually in a cloud with AI/ML properties associated with relevant sources of information on real-time energy prices) that will determine the best moment to buy or sell electricity in accordance with demand and price. In addition to Prosumers, smart appliances that can be remotely controlled are also key. This smartness can be built into devices or (for older equipment) smart sockets can be used that also allow for power quality control.

We can therefore identify the following typical scenarios:

Night, no sun, energy is cheap
Photo 6 Night, no sun, energy is cheap
Dan, the energy from the grid is expensive, there are no surpluses
Figure 7 Day, energy from the grid is expensive, there are no surpluses
Dan, the power from the grid is expensive, we have surpluses
Figure 8 Day, energy from the grid is expensive, we have surpluses
Day, no sun, energy together
Photo 9 Day, no sun, energy set

Criteria for selecting equipment

Photovoltaic systems are very different from all conventional sources of electricity, mostly by:

  • choosing an individual and by no means routine technical solution
  • the critical choice of the size of the photovoltaic and conventional systems, on which the cost-effectiveness depends the most;
  • very critical selection of equipment that has to do 25g without repair.
  • very important to whom to subject the execution of works.

The most important part of any photovoltaic system are photovoltaic modules, which must meet the appropriate technical characteristics. This means that there must be all the necessary technical documentation to prove the tests, the functionality and the annual production under precisely defined conditions.

The criteria for selecting equipment are:

  • Known origin of equipment
  • technical documentation of equipment
  • Atheists and technical guarantees of equipment
  • Instructions for management and assembly
  • Contract on technical and production guarantees for equipment
  • specific price, term and method of payment, duration of the guarantee
  • a list of references of the manufacturer or their authorised representative;

Cost-effectiveness, revenue, expenditure, plant costs

The cost-effectiveness of all energy production technologies, including photovoltaic systems, is determined by:

  • revenues and savings from the use of the system
  • investment costs (investments)
  • Operating costs
  • service and maintenance costs
  • Dismantling costs at the end of the plant’s life
  • indirect (preventive and remediation) costs of preserving the surroundings.

The costs of investing in PV equipment can, in principle, be divided into:

  • investment costs for photovoltaic modules
  • investment costs for inverters
  • investment costs for voltage regulators and battery charging
  • Battery investment costs
  • investment costs in other equipment
  • costs of design and consulting services
  • equipment installation costs.

Three key items in the total cost of building a photovoltaic system are:

  • PV modules with a cost share of 77.3 %,
  • exchanger with a cost share of 9.97 %,
  • construction with a cost share of 4.15 %.

Questions about the efficiency of the system

What is the temperature coefficient of the solar panel?

Solar panels are most effective at a temperature of 25 degrees C. For each degree C above this value, the efficiency shall fall by a percentage between 0,3% and 0.5% On average. This percentage is known as the plate temperature coefficient.

In PVGIS, the losses of the photovoltaic system due to the elevated temperature with modules installed next to the roof of the house amount to 15,2%, and with modules mounted on the load-bearing structure 10,5% . The reason for this is due to greater ventilation, and thus a smaller decrease in the maximum power of the module. There are still losses due to reflection. 2,4% and losses of inverters and cables from 4%.

How can I increase the output of my solar panel?

PWM or MPPT regulator? Always use the MPPT solar controller - they are up to 30% More effective than PWM The guy. Regular maintenance and cleaning helps maintain the output power of solar panels. Ensure that the array of solar panels is in direct sunlight without shading. Solar spotlights can help increase the output power, but you need to be careful not to overheat the panels, which will reduce the output.

Which solar panels are the best poly or mono?

Monocrystalline solar panels are more efficient than polycrystalline, but they are also more expensive. However, relative costs and efficiency are approaching and there is little difference.

Is it worth installing a Solar Tracking system?

For fixed installations, it is necessary to choose the optimal angle for maximum annual energy or for maximum energy during the period in which we need more electricity production. It is theoretically the best solution with two-axis monitoring of the apparent movement of the Sun. This can increase the energy obtained by 25-40%. But is that exactly true?

A budgetary example for the area of southern Croatia is given in Figure 1., from it it is evident that monitoring the movement of the sun has certain advantages, but this should then be put in the context of economic profitability, both investment and exploitation. Tracking systems are complex, they have many moving elements – motors or switches that, in addition to increasing investment, are later a significant consumer of energy. This increases the possibility of system failures, and such plants are significantly less resistant to wind gusts, which is a significant factor in our conditions.

Comparison of production for fixed and mobile FN
Figure 10 Comparison of production for fixed and mobile FN

Below (Figure 2) we present a realistic example created on the basis of real measurements at a plant in Portugal.

Fixed solar power generation and mono-axis on-site monitoring system
Figure 11 Electricity generation from a fixed solar system and a mono-axis monitoring system at the same location

The graph shows the use of a photovoltaic system with a monitoring system that has a uniaxial drive actuator that moves the photovoltaic panel to track the direction of sunlight. This actuator consumes electricity as its source, and the electricity consumed comes from solar panels powered by actuators, which causes a reduction in the energy available to consumers.

In conclusion, compared to fixed panel systems, a photovoltaic system with a solar energy monitoring system less effective to use.

You can learn more about this topic from the excellent manual (you can order it for free) Schrack TechnikPhotovoltaic manual.

This is the first part of the extended version of the text originally published in the Journal the Center for Public and Non-Profit Sector Development, Tim4Pin No.1 2022

The second part is available at:

Damir Juričić – writes about economics and finance
Damir Medved – writes about technology and communities

Views: 139