The North Adriatic Energy Community was established by the founding assembly held in the Drenova Social Centre. It brought together thirteen enthusiasts who set out to promote civic energy in our county.
The association was founded in order to promote, develop and improve energy communities and civic energy, production of renewable energy and consumption and sharing of produced energy among members of the association.
The areas of activity of the Association, in accordance with the goals are: Economy, Protection of the environment and nature.
The activities of the Association for the purpose of achieving the goals are:
- bringing together citizens interested in participating in energy projects;
- organising citizen energy communities, organising lectures, seminars, round tables and similar events on environmental issues, in particular as regards the production of energy from renewable energy sources and energy efficiency;
- cooperation and proposing measures to competent authorities in the field of environmental and nature protection and energy efficiency of renewable energy sources;
- cooperation with experts in the field of climate and environmental protection and other non-profit organisations;
- connecting businessmen, scientific and research institutions, local communities, state administration bodies and other entities on projects that will contribute to sustainable development and energy efficiency and the goals of the Association.
In order to achieve its objectives, the Association performs the following economic activities:
- participation in the production of electricity for the needs of members of the Association, inter alia, from renewable energy sources,
- the supply of electricity to the members of the Association,
- managing the consumption of electricity by members of the association,
- aggregation of members of the association, energy storage for members of the association,
- energy efficiency services for members of the association,
- charging services for electric vehicles of members of the association,
- the provision of other energy services to members of the association in accordance with the rules governing individual electricity markets, in accordance with the provisions of the Electricity Market Act (NN Nos 111/21 and 83/23).
The Association may carry out economic activities in addition to activities that achieve its objectives set out in this Statute, but may not carry them out for the purpose of making profit for its members or third parties. If, in the course of its economic activity, the Association realises a surplus of income over expenditures, it must, in accordance with the Statute of the Association, be used exclusively for the achievement of the objectives laid down in the Statute.
Statutes and other relevant documentation:

All additional information can be obtained by e-mail or by phone 091 617 6559.
Expression of interest and survey
In order to facilitate communication and collect initial information, we invite you to fill out a survey that will briefly describe you (user type, energy consumption/production, etc.). Filling takes about 5 minutes. All collected data will be used exclusively for the purpose of organizing the activities of the energy community and will not be publicly available without the prior approval of the owner.
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