Announcements Association Without Borders Without Borders

Future of energy communities on islands

On Wednesday, October 2, in the town of Cres, Moise Palace, an international conference was held "The future of energy communities on islands“. The event was organised as part of the European project ISLET LIFE, which includes three pilot islands, Greece's Astypalea, Italy's Procida and Croatia's Cres, aims to design a model of renewable energy communities (provided for in the European Directive 2018/2001) that will be applicable on all small islands.

The conference brought together a wide range of experts in energy and energy policies, especially those dealing with citizen energy communities and encouraging the use of RES .

A round table was held and it was dedicated to the topic “Energy communities in Croatia: dream or reality?’, and they took part in it Kristina Celic the Ministry of Economy, Goran Čačić from the ZEZ and the Energy Communities Forum, Ugo Toić as a representative of the Cres energy cooperative Apsyrtides, Ivan Zoković from the island movement, Damir Medved the Association Without Borders the Northern Adriatic Energy Community, and Maja Bratko from the Society for Sustainable Development Design (DOOR). The round table was moderated by Franjo Toić from the town of Cres.

Damir Medved, as a representative and association Without Borders and the Northern Adriatic Energy Community he spoke about the experience and challenges that accompanied the whole process of establishing the ECSJ. This process is marked by numerous illogicalities, completely unnecessary financial and technical obstacles, and all this results in only 3 citizen energy communities currently operating in the Republic of Croatia and none of them is operational in the sense that their members can exchange energy.

The organisers of the whole event were the Town of Cres, the Island Development Agency (OTRA), the Island Movement and the Green Energy Cooperative (ZEZ).

Views: 22

By Davorka Medved

Project manager of the association Without Borders

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