Expert's voice

Energy Communities – Take energy production into your own hands!


  1. Learn more about energy communities, benefits and get inspired by best practices!
  2. You will find out why and how to take energy production into your own hands.
  3. How to reduce energy consumption costs and increase energy independence.
  4. What are the advantages of joining energy communities and how to implement projects?
  5. What are the challenges?
  6. How do energy communities help reduce energy poverty?

We will present successful examples from practice in Croatia!


  1. Damir Medved, MSc. – UNIRI, Project Director EDIH Adria (University of Rijeka)
  2. Damir Juričić, PhD. – Innerga d.o.o., Association Energy Community of the North Adriatic – Energy Independence through civic energy initiatives in the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County

Moderator: Nikolina Oršulić, Forbes Croatia

Questions can be directed to panelists in advance via this link: https://lnkd.in/ePHU4mws

The webinar is free to participate. The webinar is recorded.

Register for free here: https://lnkd.in/ec_tGEde



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